墨韵 - 河洛丹青艺术展
2013年6月15日至6月22日ALYSSA GALERI
洛阳是中国历史上第一个王朝建都之地,先后有夏(公元前2,100-1,600),商(17世纪 - 公元前11世纪),周(11世纪 - 公元前256年)等13个朝代在此建都,为河洛文明营建了一条清晰的脉络。历史上,洛阳几经兴废,在唐朝时期达到鼎盛,成为世界瞩目的国际大都市。
万山之祖的中岳嵩山,位于郑州和洛阳之间的平原上,由太室山和少室山组成。太室山前的中岳庙初建于秦朝(公元前221 -207),北魏时期(386 - 543)更名为中岳庙,为道教寺庙。院内设有多门,通往嵩阳书院。在寺庙中,有300多棵古老的柏树,和100多个铁铸的雕像和石碑。在少室山脚下的少林寺始建于北魏,以少林功夫享誉全球。位于少林寺西侧的塔林由230多个砖塔组成,陆续建于唐,宋,元,明,清等朝代,是中国同类塔林中规模最大的一个。
China Week George Town Festival, Penang, Malaysia
15th JUNE – 22nd JULY 2013 at ALYSSA GALERI
346, Penang Road, 10000 Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
Opening Times: 10.30 am to 6.00 pm, www.alyssagaleri.com
Heluo Culture
Heluo culture originates in the Heluo area and refers to the Yellow and Luohe river connection with Luoyang at the centre. The archaeological discoveries of the Yellow and Luohe river indicated that as early as 5,000 years ago, human beings lived here. This area is called “the Kitakyushu centre” or the “ten provinces thoroughfare” and the name was derived from the meaning of “country” and “China”. The Heluo culture is not the general realm culture and in addition to being the source of Chinese prehistoric culture, it was the axis centre when China entered the civilised society forming the Chinese culture. Represented by “Hetu & Luoshu”, the earliest classics of Chinese Culture, the Heluo Culture is honoured as “the Ancestor of Human Root and Human Culture”
A total of 20 dynasties, from the Xia (2,100-1,600 BC), Shang (17th century – 11th century BC), Zhou (11th century – 256 BC), to the Jin (1115-1234), had their capital in Luoyang a major centre for the Heluo Culture. Historically, Luoyang experienced prosperity and growth, making it one of the most affluent cities of the Tang Dynasty.The magnificient Songshan Mountain towers on the plain between Zhengzhou and Luoyang, consisting of the peaks of Taishi and Shaoshi. Zhongzue (the Central Sacred Mountain) Temple at the front of Taishi was first built in the Qin Dynasty (221 -207 BC) and was renamed in the Northern Wei period (386 – 543). A Taoist temple, it has 11 gates leading to the Imperial Library. In the temple, there are 300 ancient cypresses, and more than 100 metal-cast statues and stone tablets. Shaolin temple at the foot of Shaoshi was built in the Northern Wei period, and has long been renown worldwide for kung fu, or the Chinese martial arts. There are 230 brick pagodas, the largest of its kind in China, erected during the Tang, Song, An, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.
The “temple fair” (Miao Hui) originated along with the development of Buddhist and Taoist activities. It began with groups of vendors who did business near temples and pilgrims who came to pay tribute to the gods during traditional festivals. The practice grew, gradually turning into a regular event. Temple fairs are a kind of mass gatherings that integrate religious worship, entertainment and commerce. Now temple fairs are an important and joyful destination featuring performances, demonstrations, games, selling of traditional arts and crafts, for Luoyang local people.